If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. ~Michael J. Fox

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Well this past week was quite a week. We finally managed to have a full week of school after so many interruptions thanks to the winter weather. I wanted to let the kids have some creative fun, so I tried out two unique ways of doing art.

The first was Salt Art.

Salt Art

This was a lot of fun. You only need 4 items.

  • Paper
  • Elmers Glue
  • Table salt
  • Liquid Water Colors (You can use the packed kind if you don't have liquid.)

The first thing you do is give the child a piece of paper and the glue. Here is the best part, just let the kids squeeze the glue in any design they want to! You can even have them practice writing their names with it.

After they have finished putting on the glue, cover it with salt and shake off the extra. Just like you would glitter. After you shake off the extra the kids can start adding color. This is the best part!!

The key is to not drag your paint brush on the salt. Instead you need to just lightly touch the salt. The paint will literally run through the salt! You could even use eye droppers for this project.

The best part of this project was how intrigued the kids were! I have a lot of boys in my class and most of them are not the type to sit and take their time on projects. This was the first time when EVERY student sat there and took their time! In the end, the project ended up taking over an hour but that was fine since we couldn't go outside anyways! :) I'm still amazed at how into this project the kids were!

Frozen Paintsicles 

The second project we did this past week was playing with frozen paint. I can't tell you enough about how wonderful this was! I took small dixie cups and filled them about half full of Bio Paint. I then put a craft stick in the center and set them in the freezer. They need to freeze over night at the least. 

When you pull them out, peel off the cup and let the kids go to town! I gave each kid a white piece of paper and told them make a picture. The paints don't melt fast so they are not very messy. It was great. 

The kids loved it so much that they kept asking to make more pictures. It actually felt like crayon once it was on the paper. We will defiantly be doing this again!

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