If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. ~Michael J. Fox

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Team Painting

One of my favorite activities to do during the school year is team painting. This is an activity that builds communication, teamwork, and skills.

To do team paining, you need paint, smocks, paper, and something to paint. Every year it's something different. This year was one of our stuffed frog friends sitting in a chair with a jester's hat on. The key is to find colorful things that makes them think.

I paired the class up with partners that they don't usually work with or play with. I also put quieter ones with those who like to talk. This was done to get the quieter ones to come out of their shell a bit. 

They are instructed to pain what they see but they have to work together. They have to talk about who is painting what, what do they see as a team, and decide how they want their 1 picture to look like. In years past I have seen some amazing finished works. There is always 1 kid or 1 team who completely stun me with how great their work is and there is always 1 team who have more fun just painting all the colors together and making a mess. 

This team decided they wanted to pain the frog but give him a house too. 

This team did an awesome job! Love the detail.

In the end, most of the teams painted 2 frogs on their canvas. Some got the details, and some I'm not sure what they painted! Either way, it's a fun activity and really is neat to see how these different personalities work together as a team. My assistant suggested a great idea to add on to this. Have them do a painting at the start of school, middle of the year, and at the end. All with the same partner. In the end, we can compare how their work has changed and how they have grown as a team. I want to try this next year! 

This was my "messy" team! :-)

Trying to get those colors right.

Starting small and working out.

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